Hirsch Academy
partner Since Q4 2023
Hirsch Academy CFA was established in 2013 at the Paiute Neighborhood Center in South Scottsdale. The public charter school houses 185 students in grades K-6. 100% of Hirsch Academy students are eligible for free and reduced lunch under the National School Lunch Program. 94% of Hirsch students come from Hispanic families in a low-income community. Many of the student families live within a 1-2 block radius of the school in low income housing units, lacking transportation and basic social services.
About Our Sponsors
Waymo’s mission is to make it safe and easy for people and things to get where they’re going using autonomous driving technology. Waymo is committed to serving the diverse communities in which they operate through nonprofit partnerships, like the sponsorship of this Loving Library Chapter. Being active members of the communities in which it serves is central to Waymo’s values.

About Secured Sneakers

Secured Sneakers is Scottsdale’s premier destination for sneakers, streetwear and more. Secured Sneakers is committed to giving back to the community through its partnership with Loving Library this holiday season. Donate a new children’s book at the Scottsdale store and receive 5% off your purchase for the month of November. Additionally, 10% of all sales from Nov 17-19 will be donated to Loving Library.
About Manor
Manor is a Phoenix based retailer focused on specialty footwear, and premium goods for the entire family. Manor values the community it serves and is partnering with Loving Library to help kids in need this giving season. Please stop by either Manor store and pick an ornament or two off Loving Library Angel Wish Tree and support the students of Hirsch Academy with a pair of new shoes. Shoes bought at Manor for this Chapter will be discounted heavily.

how can you help
Donations for Loving Library’s Hirsch Academy Chapter will go to provide shoes and books to over 170 students at Hirsch Academy in grades K-6. You can contribute by purchasing directly from our book wishlists, donating at one of our partner shoe stores, Manor or Secured Sneakers, or by making a donation below:
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